1 John 1:9, Acts 3:19, Hebrews 7:25, Rev 12:10, Acts 10:35, Isaiah 55:7, Zech 3:2-5
What do the above words have in common? They are all steps in the process of obtaining Christ’s robe of righteousness. When we sin, in order to obtain acceptance with God, we have to confess that sin and repent of it or turn away from it. Confession without repentance is null and void and merely serves to alleviate feelings of guilt. However, once we repent and turn away from that sin, Jesus begins to intercede in the heavenly courts in our behalf. He represents us and pleads our case to the Father. But while Jesus is defending and arguing for us, Satan is acting as prosecutor and is accusing us and arguing against us to the Father. He is pointing out why we aren’t entitled to pardon. At the close of all of the evidence, if we have confessed and repented, the Father denies the claims of Satan and accepts the arguments of Jesus and pardons our iniquity. Jesus then removes our filthy garments from us and places his spotless robe of righteousness upon us, covering us. It is this robe of righteousness that enables us to walk in newness of life!