Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The End of 70 Days of Power

The End of 70 Days of Power
We have come to the end of our 70 Days of Power. The first 30 days we spent learning what love is and is not. The last 40 days we spent learning about the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives and praying for the baptism of the Spirit.  I invite you now to review  your favorite version of 1 Corinthians 13 along with each day of the 40 days of Prayer and to meditate upon those things and keep those things in your hearts. If you missed any days, you may access the entire 70 days at FaceBook Group “Experience God’s Power, Presence and Favor”. You may also access days 20-40 of the 40 days of Prayer at http://topsdachurch.blogspot.com. I invite you to write out your own understanding of 1 Corinthians 13 or share how you have been blessed by the last 70 days of Power at either the FaceBook group or the blog.  We will begin a new series in a few days. Until then, please share what you have learned or how you have been blessed.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

40 Days of Prayer-Day 40

40 Days of Prayer-Day 40  
Fellowship with other believers plays an important role in the spiritual, emotional and even physical restoration that God wants each of us to experience. Growth is the goal of small fellowship groups. Thus, every group should include non believers as well.  It is in this redemptive environment that  God's Spirit can work in a powerful way for the non believer and the non believer is encouraged to grow spiritually.  Even our own personal spiritual growth is assured when we are invloved in winning others to Christ. If we work as Christ desires and win souls for Him, we will feel the need of a deeper experience and greater knowledge of divine things. We will hunger and thirst after righteousness and we will plead with God for these things. Our faith will thereby be strengthened. We will drink of the water of life freely from the well of salvation. We will grow in grace and the knowledge of Christ and develop the rich experience with God that He desires us to have. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit and bring truth and revival into our lives and churches. Help me to be used by you in bringing others to Christ. Give us an earnest desire for your Holy Spirit, both the early rain and the latter rain outpouring. Manifest the gifts of your Spirit through us and use us to glorify your name. Reveal your power in our midst that many may come to know You.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

40 Days of Prayer-Day 39

40 Days of Prayer-Day 39
The gifts of the spirit, are manifested as believers are baptized with the Holy Spirit.  This is the second essential element of a successful fellowship group. These gifts are given to each one differently and include prophecy, ministry, teaching, exhortation, ruling, showing mercy,  wisdom, knowledge, healing, miracles, discerning of spirits, multi-lingualists, interpreters of languages, pastors, evangelists,  and apostles. Rom 12:4-8, 1 Cor. 12:7-12. However, the gift of grace is given to everyone. Eph 4:7-11. These gifts are important to the spiritual growth of each individual and the church. These gifts prove a great blessing to each member of the body of Christ.  The application of the gift of teaching, for example,  to the fellowship group may involve applying the scriptures to the individual issues and needs of the group. The application of the gift of exhortation to the fellowship group may involve words of encouragement, hope, and comfort and brings practical uplifting biblical counsel to the group. It is through the use of these gifts that the Spirit is able to minister to the group. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit, and bring truth and revival into our lives and churches. Manifest the gifts of the Spirit in my life that you desire for me to have and give us a strong desire to gather together to seek you earnestly in prayer. Have mercy on us and revive us that we may flourish and prosper.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

40 Days of Power-Day 38

40 Days of Power-Day 38
We have daily been praying for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness,  and temperance (against which there is no law). Gal 5:22-23. You should now be seeing these fruits beginning to be manifested in your lives. This is one of the essential elements of an effective fellowship group. The first fruit of the Spirit is love. Here, the highest form of love is referred to—Agape love. It is the kind of love that works no evil or harm to others. It is not filled with envy, jealousy, covetousness, hatred, selfishness nor evil planning and does not rejoice in the face of evil. It is longsuffering, kind, faithful, enduring, rejoicing in truth.  1 Cor. 13:4-7. This love allows us, as members of Spirit filled fellowship groups to manifest understanding and sensitivity to others in the group, and allow us to have a calming, soothing effect on others. It also allows us to have a sympathetic, non judgmental, prayerful attitude when someone in the group reveals their struggles. They know we won’t take their issue to the phone but to the Lord. Our words and actions will be compassionate, redemptive and healing. The other essential element of effective fellowship groups is the gifts of the Spirit. The Spirit gives different gifts, i.e. apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors, (Eph 4: 11-16) but all are intended to benefit the group by perfecting us and growing us into the fullness of Christ thereby edifying the body of Christ. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit and bring truth and revival into our lives and our churches. Manifest the fruit of your Spirit in my life and the lives of others around me. Restore us to the fullness of joy and peace in you. Remove the spiritual hindrances, thorns and briars in our lives. Impart great joy and rejoicing in you in our churches.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

40 Days of Prayer-Day 36

40 Days of Prayer-Day 36
The word church in the New Testament is ekklesia. It means “called out ones”. As we respond to the call of the Holy Spirit to accept Christ as our Savior, we become part of the “called out ones”. The “called out  ones” are called to believe live and teach the truths of God’s word. 1 Tim. 3:15. A second aspect of the “called out ones: is to have fellowship with one another. The New Testament concept of fellowship or koinonia is broader than just seeing other church members once a week during worship services or occasionally getting together for a social. It means ministering to the needs of one another. We can hardly minister to anyone’s needs if we haven’t taken the time to find out what their needs are.  Christ expects us as spirit filled believers to get out of our comfort zones and  “get involved” in other peoples problems in order to minister to them.  We are not actually experiencing God’s definition of church to the fullest extent when we don’t. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit and bring truth and revival into our hearts and churches. Bless my efforts to minister to the needs of those closest to me and in my church. Give me the desire to get involved.  Lead us to fear and reverence you with all our hearts and deliver us from the things that keep us from having what we need spiritually.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

40 Days of Prayer-Day 35

40 Days of Prayer-Day 35
Happy Thanksgiving!
Being a part of a small Christian fellowship group is important to our growth into the fullness of Christ. The 12 disciples were in a close personal fellowship group with Christ and each other for 3 ½ years. However, this alone was not enough to bring about the changes necessary for them to grow into the fullness of Christ. There was dissention and strife among them. Luke 22:24. Later, however, the disciples experienced a dramatic change. What happened? They received the baptism of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Thereafter, they continued in doctrine and fellowship, eating and praying  and praising God together from house to house. Acts 2:42, 46-47.  It is the baptism of the Holy Spirit  among members of the fellowship groups that is essential for the group to grow as God intends.  It is the Spirit that gives to every man to profit therefrom. To one the Spirit gives wisdom, to another knowledge, to another faith, to another the gift of healing, to another working miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another diverse languages, to another the interpretation of diverse languages. But all are given to work together, just as the different parts of one body work together. 1 Cor. 12:7-12. We grow as we stay in close intimate relationship with other spirit –filled believers and we are able to experience the gifts given to others for our benefit. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit and bring truth and revival into our lives and our churches. Bless our efforts to become part of a small fellowship group and use us for the benefit of others in our group. I have been weakened by my sinful condition. Turn me from sin and strengthen me with might by your Holy Spirit in the inner man.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

40 Days of Prayer-Day 34

40 Days of Prayer-Day 34
As we pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it is essential that we daily worship God in our homes. That is having a time period set aside each day for spending time with God alone but also as a family. This would include morning, noon and evening devotional, praise and worship.  Our hearts and homes should be a place where God is invited daily and regularly, and as we partake of physical food,  so also as often we should partake of spiritual food. Most souls will not be lost because of grievous and shocking sins, but through the simple neglect of failing to invite God into their lives on a daily, regular and continuing basis. God inhabits the praises of (Ps. 22:3) , and inclines His ears to the prayers of (Ps. 65:2) His people,  and requires we worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24). As we become spirit filled Christians, our homes should reflect this higher calling. Then God is calling us into a closer fellowship with those around us.  A look at the early New Testament church reveals that many souls were won to the church through home based teaching, worship and fellowship. Acts 2:46,  Acts 20:20, Rom. 16:5, 1 Cor 16:9, Col 4:15. It was through this avenue of home based fellowship, teaching and worship that souls were gained for Christ and added to the larger church body. Acts 2:47. It is in this setting especially that fellow believers receive strength from each other. This home based worship style (church) will be the model of the end times and strength of souls when persecution and affliction come upon those who steadfastly hold onto the truths contained in God’s word. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit and bring truth and revival into our lives and our churches. Lead me to start or become part of a home based fellowship group. Lead us to pray without ceasing and make us a praise to your name in our communities.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

40 Days of Prayer-Day 33

40 Days of Prayer-Day 33
The word tells us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together (Heb 10:25) in Christian fellowship and worship. As a spirit-filled believer, the relationship between the baptism of the Holy Spirit and genuine Christian fellowship is essential. We will not grow spiritually as God intends without consistent, meaningful, dependant fellowship with other spirit filled believers.  Iron sharpens iron. Prov. 27:17. So spirit filled Christians sharpen each other. To become spirit filled but remain isolated, independent, separate and apart from other spirit filled Christians is not God’s will for us. In fact it will hinder our growth and even lead to a loss of the fullness of the Spirit’s presence in our lives. After Pentecost, the believers continued steadfastly in the faith, with communion and fellowship with other believers, even to eating and praying together. Acts 2:42. It is therefore essential that we as spirit filled believers experience and engage in genuine Christian fellowship with other spirit filled believers. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit and bring truth and revival into our lives and churches. Open my understanding as to the importance of Christian fellowship in my faith walk. Don’t abandon us to our sins, have compassion on us and deliver us from our sins. Restore us to a place of spiritual oneness with you.

Monday, November 21, 2011

40 Days of Prayer-Day 32

40 Days of Prayer-Day 32
“There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into His rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.” Heb 4:9-11.  When we enter into God’s rest, we cease our own efforts. In the creation story, God worked 6 days then He rested on the 7th day,  blessed, set apart and made holy the 7th day Sabbath. Gen 2:1-3, Exod. 20:11 . Adam did just the opposite. On his first full day of life, he rested on the 7th day Sabbath, (Exod 20:8-11) then he worked on the 1st  day through the 6th days of the week (Exod. 20:9) This is the same sequence concerning man’s redemption. In Christ, God completed the work of redemption through His sinless life, death and resurrection.  Man begins experiencing this redemptive work by resting first in what God has already done for him. Man rests in the facts that (1) Jesus died for our sins and has given us eternal life as a free gift, (2) that Christ’s righteousness covers us, (3) that at the cross the power of our sinful nature was broken and we are now free to serve God, and (4) that Christ will live His life of perfect righteousness in us if we choose to let Him. We are therefore to rest in Christ’s completed work. Once we rest in these truths, we are able to faithfully serve and obey God in our lives and ministry. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit and bring truth and revival into our lives and churches. Lead me to enter into the true meaning of Sabbath rest and cause us to seek you and forsake our wicked ways and turn to you with our whole hearts. Have mercy on us and pardon us.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

40 Days of Prayer-Day 31

40 Days of Prayer-Day 31
Oftentimes, we are filled with anxiety and stress and feel burdened by serving Christ. But part of abiding in Christ is fully trusting in Him in every situation. When the disciples were fearful during the storm at sea, it was because they were depending upon themselves and realized they could not save themselves. Jesus, however, was at perfect peace when He awoke because of His faith in the Father’s care. Mark 4:35-41. We should have that same rest in the care of the Savior.  Fear, anxiety and stress reveals our unbelief and our self dependency. Whenever we relinquish that self dependency and turn to Jesus, He is then free to help us.  Living faith in Christ will smooth the tempests of life and will deliver us from fear worry, stress and danger. Abiding in Christ gives us the relationship He had with the Father, thus enabling the Father to speak through Him and now us. John 14:10. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit and bring truth and revival into our lives and churches. Remind me to look to Jesus when opportunities to serve you or trials arise in my life. Cause us to trust in you completely and not in ourselves and bless us abundantly.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

40 Days of Prayer-Day 30

40 Days of Prayer-Day 30
Obedience and abiding go hand in hand. That is when we abide in Christ and He abides in us, obedience to the 10 commandments becomes a part of us. The 10 commandments are inseparably connected to God’s love. The first four commandments reveal how we are to love God and the last 6 commandments reveal how we are to love others. Thus, summed up —Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. This is the first great commandment. And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matt. 22:35-40. The Word gives us practical advice on how this love should look. Put away lying and speak truth, be angry but sin not, don’t let the sun go down on your anger, don’t steal but work, don’t let corrupt communication come out of your mouth, don’t grieve the Holy Spirit, put away all  bitterness, wrath, evil speaking, and malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, and forgiving, even as Christ has forgiven you. Eph. 4:22-32. We should owe no one anything except to love one another. Love works no harm or ill to anyone. This fulfills the lawn and exhibits the attitudes and behaviors the Lord wants us to exhibit in our lives. Rom. 13:8-10. PRAYER: Father, baptize us with your Holy Spirit and bring truth and revival into our lives and our churches. Remove our rebellion and backsliding and write your 10 commandments on our hearts and lead us to allow Jesus to live out His life of obedience in us.

Friday, November 18, 2011

40 Days of Prayer-Day 29

40 Days of Prayer-Day 29
Sanctification is righteousness by faith. It is simply looking to Jesus to manifest His righteous life of victory in our lives. Heb 12:1-2. The perfect qualities of Jesus are imparted to us as a gift, not gradually but instantly once we enter into the realization that Jesus became holiness for us. We don’t have to try to be holy. That’s imitation. We don’t have to draw from Jesus the power to be holy. When we accept righteousness by faith, Jesus imparts His holiness to us. He gives us what He has. His patience, love, holiness, faith, purity, godliness etc. This is impartation, not imitation. Our job is not to imitate but to choose to let Christ impart His virtues to us, and  believe it will happen. Then slowly but surely we begin to live a life of order, soundness, consistency, and holiness, kept by the power of God. (1 Peter 1:5). When unrighteous desires come, don’t fight them (that’s our own strength and we will surely fail). But turn to Christ who is living in us and ask Him to manifest His righteousness in us. Heb. 12:1-2. Then we simply wait in faith believing He will do it, because those who are waiting for Him will be like Him when He comes back. 1 John 3:2. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit and bring truth and revival into our lives and our churches. Lead me to allow Jesus to fully manifest His righteousness in me through faith in Him. Pour out of your spirit on us and cause us grow and to come into the fullness of Christ.

40 Days of Prayer-Day 28

40 Days of Prayer-Day 28
Most of  us live a life of sporadic obedience and broken promises to God. But how do we experience a life of victory through Christ over every temptation and sin Satan brings our way? How do we allow Christ to live out His victorious life over sin in us? We have to believe that He lives in us through the baptism of the Holy Spirit and He will manifest His love, pure and holy, virtuous thoughts in our minds. It's a matter of faith. Rom 6:6, 11-14, Isa. 26:3-4, John 15:4-5, Eph 3:16-167, Gal 2:20, John 14:16-18, 1 John 3:24, 1 Cor 2:16. Practical steps we can take to achieve this is (1) turn your mind immediately away from the temptation Satan presents. Phil 4:8, (2) believe that Christ has broken the power of your sinful nature and temptation at the cross, (3) believe Jesus is in you and ask Him to manifest His virtue in you in relation to the temptation. Be specific, (4) Believe He will manifest Himself and don't fight the temptation yourself. When we do that, we are really trying to resist in our own strength rather than looking to Jesus for  victory. Heb 12:1-2, (5) thank Him for the deliverance He has just given you.
PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit, and bring truth and revival to us and your church. Lead me to let Jesus live out His victorious life in me when I am tempted to sin. Help us to believe that the greatest power in this world lives in us through your Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

40 Days of Prayer-Day 27

40 Days of Prayer-Day 27
When Jesus died on the cross, Satan’s power over us including the power of our sinful nature was forever broken. Rom 6:6, 11. That  means all our sinful tastes, desires and propensities were defeated at the cross and we no longer have to be controlled by them. But we have to believe this reality. But belief alone is not enough. As Christians we often struggle with our besetting sins. Those sins we just keep repeating over and over again. We can believe and feel great relief that Satan’s power over us was defeated at the cross and even gain confidence that the next time we are faced with the temptations that cause us to fall, we will finally have the victory. But then the temptation arises and we fall again. We plead with God to remove our sinful response to the temptation but we continue to experience defeat.  That is because above and beyond our belief that the power of our sinful nature was broken at the cross, we have no power in and of ourselves to obey God. It is only through Christ living in us that He gives us His victory over sin. We cannot substitute our own righteousness for the righteousness of God. Rom 10:3-4. We have to submit ourselves to Him and die to self, so that we may gain Christ’s righteousness. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit and bring truth and revival into our lives and churches. Reveal to me how to let Jesus live out His life of victory in me. Strengthen me with might by your Spirit in the inner man. Fill me with your love and help me to reveal that love to others.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

40 Days of Prayer-Day 26

40 Days of Prayer-Day 26
Through the new covenant God wrote His laws on the hearts of every individual. Heb. 8:8-10, 2 Cor. 3:3. However, God knew the struggle the Christian would have between obeying the law of sin and the law of God, especially now that it was written into his very being. The Apostle Paul described it as wanting to do right but not doing it, and not wanting to do wrong but doing it anyway. Rom 7:14-25. The unbeliever has no struggle. He simply wants to do wrong and does wrong. But because of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Christian is now faced with this struggle day after day, month after month, year after year. Who will rescue us from this law of sin and death? Deliverance is through Christ living in us (through the baptism of the Holy Spirit.) Rom 7:24-25. There is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who walk after the Spirit and not after the flesh. Rom 8:1-4.  Christ living in us sets us free from this constant struggle between the flesh and the spirit, evil and good. The righteous requirements of the law will be fulfilled in us when we have Jesus living in us through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Rom. 8:4. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit, and bring revival into our lives and churches. Lead us to a genuine experience with Christ abiding in us for victory over sin. Give us the wisdom and understanding we need to fully love you and open our eyes to see our sinfulness and your great mercy and forgiveness and your great power that is available to us to overcome every weapon of the enemy.

Monday, November 14, 2011

40 Days of Prayer-Day 25

40 Days of Prayer-Day 25
Many have been burdened by their Christian walk. They have been sporadic in obedience and unfruitful/unfaithful in service, yet longing for a consistently faithful walk with Jesus. All the time struggling with besetting sins which seem to win the battle more often than not. Prayer and bible study often doesn’t bring the victory longed for and a life of continual victory over sin seems impossible. But victory is possible with Christ living in us. This simple truth means that our joy in the Lord can be deep and abiding, our lives consistently victorious over besetting sins. God is calling each one of us to this amazing experience in Christ because Jesus is returning soon and when He does, those who are looking for Him will be like Him. 1 John 3:2.  Our daily experience will become one of complete victory in Christ “For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps. He never sinned, nor ever deceived anyone. He did not retaliate when he was insulted. He left his case in the hands of God.” 1 Peter 2:21-21 NLT.  God is calling us to a much higher experience with Him than we have ever had. God is offering us a complete union with Christ. Col. 1:27. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit and bring truth and revival into our lives and churches. Open my understanding to your will that Christ abide in me. Arise in our midst and reveal the glory of your character through us. Draw me and all those around me and in my community to the light of truth.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

40 Days of Prayer-Day 24

40 Days of Prayer-Day 24
Christ’s method of witnessing to others was to mingle with them, minister to their needs and win their confidence. Then He bade them “Follow Me.” Christ took the initiative in contacting those around Him. As His followers, we are to do the same.  As we pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, we receive more of the love of God, and that love spreads out to others. Rom 5:5. It is through personal contact and association with others that men and women are reached by the saving power of the gospel. As we mingle with others, they will gain confidence in us and experience our love for them and be willing to share their concerns with us. It is for this very reason Christ has led you to them. Christ knows their needs and knows you have the answer for them. He wants to reveal Himself to them through you. So that Christ may use you to effectively witness to others: (1)pray for Christ to continue to fill you with His Spirit and give you a passion for souls, (2)make a list of those in your circle (family, friends, co-workers etc.) that do not know Christ and begin praying for these individuals every day, (use the prayer principles listed in 40 Days of Prayer-Day 23 in your prayers), (3) ask God to provide you opportunities to get close to them in order to help them in some way, (4) when opportunities arise ask God for openings to share Him with them. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit and lead us to witness as Christ witnessed to others. Let your word not return to you void and bless it where ever it goes.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

40 Days of Prayer-Day 23

40 Days of Prayer-Day 23
There are many among our family, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances that we know are outside of Christ and living under Satan’s power. But they are powerless to change. They are blinded by Satan. “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God should shine unto them”. 2 Cor 4:3-4 The key to their salvation is to remove the veil that blinds them. They need an unveiling or revelation of God’s truth. God has given the believer authority to pull down Satan’s strongholds and to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2 Cor. 10:4-5. Intercessory prayer for the lost will pull down Satan’s strongholds and will remove the veil from the mind of the unbeliever. God’s will is that we pray for those who are under the power of Satan as follows: (1) That God will draw them to himself. John 6:44; (2) That they seek to know God. Acts 17:27; (3) That they believe the Word of God. 1 Thess 2:13; (4) That Satan is bound from blinding them to the truth and his influences in their life be cast down. 2 Cor. 4:4, 10:4-5; (5) That the Holy Spirit works in them. John 16:8-13; (6) That they turn from sin. Acts 3:19; (6) That they believe in Christ as their Savior. John 1:12; (7) That they obey Christ as Lord. Matt. 7:21; (8) That they take root and grow in Christ. Col 2:6-7. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit and bring revival into our lives and churches, and lead us to become true prayer warriors for the unsaved. May your character be reflected in our lives and help us to advance your kingdom.

Friday, November 11, 2011

40 Days of Prayer-Day 22

40 Days of Prayer-Day 22
The solution to the need for revival  among God’s people (Laodicean condition) is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Jesus says “Behold I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him and he with me.” Rev. 3:20.  It is through the baptism of the Holy Spirit that  Jesus lives in the believers. 1 John 3:24. The infilling of the Holy Spirit will bring revival to the Christian and to the church such that God can use us as a means of delivering others from the powers of darkness. A revival of true godliness is what is most needed to usher in the latter rain. Jesus said “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled.” Luke 12:49  The fire that Jesus spoke of was the Holy Spirit. Luke 3:16, Acts 2:3-4 The revival that is needed in the church is experienced simply by claiming God’s promise and unitedly praying for the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the church. Acts 1:14, Acts 2:1. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit and bring revival into our lives and your church. Revive us and make us rejoice in you.

40 Days of Prayer-Day 21

40 Days of Prayer-Day 21
Something that should be served hot is barely palateable when it is warm i.e. tea. Food that should be served cold is thrown away if it is warm, i.e. icecream.  God feels the same way about His professed followers. God would rather we be hot or cold and not luke warm Christians. He
has no taste for such Christians and will spue them out of His mouth. Rev. 3:14-21.  Like the icecream and the tea above, luke warm Christians  are unaware of their condition. They believe they are still fulfilling the purpose for which they were made.  But it is the Holy Spirit that quickeneth and makes us aware of our true condition.  John 6:63. God desires that those who represent Him in these last days be hot. But at least if we are cold, no one will mistakenly believe that we reresent Him. It is those who merely profess Him but do not obey Him that are not only a danger to themselves but a danger to the salvation of others. James 4:17, 1 John 2:10. Jesus revealed how life would flow from His church from true "hot" believers . John 7:38-39. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit and bring us out of our lukewarm Laodicean condition. Have mercy on our spirtual numbness and affilictions and forgive all of our sins.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

40 Days of Prayer-Day 20

40 Days of Prayer-Day 20
Both before Jesus began His earthly ministry, and before Jesus returns the second time God sent and will again send an “Elijah Message”. The purpose of the Elijah Message was/is to prepare people for the coming of Jesus. (Mal. 4:5-6) John the Baptist prepared people for Jesus’ earthly ministry. Matt. 11:13-15, Luke 1:17) Holy Spirit filled believers today will prepare people for Jesus’ second coming. (Rev 14:6-12). The Elijah Message brings a spirit of revival and reformation.  It brings a new expression of love to the family that spreads from there to the community, society, and government. It will bring the power of love and blessings into families that receive it and curses upon those who reject it. (Mal. 4:6, Ex. 20:5-6). It will work to unite disobedient children with God.(Mal. 4:6) There are 12 characteristics of Elijah and John the Baptist and those who will be preaching the Elijah Message today:  they (1) will present unpopular truth boldly, clearly and without compromise. Mark 13:9, 2 Tim. 4:3-4; (2) will have a simple diet and lifestyle. 1 Kings 17:11, Mark 1:6, 1 Cor. 10:31. There is a strong connection between what we eat and drink and our mental clarity and ability to discern truth. A simple diet and lifestyle helps us resist temptation; (3)their clothing will be modest and simple. 2 Kings 1:8, Mark 1:6, 1 Tim 2:9, Eph 4:24; (4)  will train, disciple and mobilize others to the truth. 1 Kings 19:19, Luke 7:18; (5) will preach repentance and baptism. 2 Kings 2:6, Matt 3:5-6; (6) will reflect the meek and humble character of Christ. 1 Kings 18:42, Matt. 3:11, Micah 6:8; (7)will endure persecution. 1 Kings 18:42, Mark 6:24, Rev. 12:17; (8) will go ahead to prepare the way for the approaching King. 1 Kings 18:46, Luke 3:4, Rev. 14:6; (9) will make glorifying God their top priority. 1 Kings 18:37, John 3:30; (10) will repair the breach or alter of God i.e. return to godliness and the word of God as the source of all truth. 1 Kings 18:30, Matt. 3:1-2, Isa. 58:12; (11) their messages will spark revival and reformation.  1 Kings 18:19, 21, Mark 1:4-5; (12) their messages will point people to Christ. 1 Kings 18:36, John 1:29. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit and fill us with your love. Turn our hearts to you and prepare us to give the Elijah Message.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Heavy Weight Champions

Eph 6:11-13, Rom 13:14
Are there people in your life that just continue to do you wrong, continue to hurt you, continue throw you under the bus, then kick you after  you’re down?  You can’t understand how they can be so cold, unfeeling, mean and hateful to you. It could be your child, your friend, your co-worker, and yes even your spouse.  But consider this, how they are treating you is not aimed at you. It’s aimed at God. Their rebellion, disrespect, and disregard is really their anger at God. But they can’t get to God so they lash out at the next closest thing, you. And it sure feels like their attack is against you. But we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood. We wrestle against principalities and powers, and with the rulers of darkness and  spiritual wickedness in high places. The ones who are attacking you are not equipped for the battle and are quickly defeated. Put on Christ, so you can withstand the crossfire and win the match.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Buried Treasure

Buried Treasure
Matt 13:44-46
The man often took long walks in solitude. He loved to smell the fresh air, to hear the sounds of nature, to feel the wind and sun on his face. Today  he decided to venture off the beaten path into a field he had not traversed before. As he walked, contemplating life, he stumbled over something on the ground. Looking down he saw something sticking up out of the ground, just barely visible. Intrigued, he got down on his hands and knees to investigate.  With both hands he began to brush away the dirt and debris  from  the object. The more he uncovered the more his excitement grew.  Breathlessly, he began to realize that this was no ordinary object. Looking around to see if anyone was watching him, but seeing no one, he grasped the object with both hands and tugged. The earth gave way and the object burst forth into his hands. The man was beside himself with joy as he beheld the object. With his shirt, he painstakingly cleaned, rubbed and polished the object until it shown with a radiance and beauty that was splendid to behold. It’s absolute purity and magnificence was out of this world! He loved the treasure he had found.  He decided he had to have this object, no matter what the cost. He had a special place in his home just for this treasure. So, with special care, he reburied the treasure in the earth, marking the spot. Then he hurried home. With determination and purpose he decided he would give everything he had in order to purchase the field that contained the treasure.  EVERYTHING.  And it cost him his life. The man was Jesus and the treasure is you! What will you give in return?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Rescued From Above

Rescued From Above
Matt 6:13, Zech 3:2, Acts 5:31, Matt 7:11
If you are in a burning house, would you rather be saved in the fire or saved from the fire? If the fireman merely came in and stood with you while the fire consumed you both, are you even saved? Of course not! Thank God that Christ doesn’t save us “in” our sins, but snatches us up out of the fire the moment we repent and turn from iniquity. He saves us “from” the fire. He then pardons or forgives our sins. But whom He Pardons, He first makes penitent. And repentance is a gift from God. We don’t need to struggle with sin. You know the routine, one day we’re strong and the next day we fall. All we have to do is pray for the gift of repentance and our heavenly father is more willing to give good gifts to us than our earthly fathers.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Confession, Repentance, Intercession, Accusation, Acceptance, Pardon, Covering

1 John 1:9, Acts 3:19, Hebrews 7:25, Rev 12:10, Acts 10:35, Isaiah 55:7, Zech 3:2-5
What do the above words have in common? They are all steps in the process of obtaining Christ’s robe of righteousness. When we sin, in order to obtain acceptance with God, we have to confess that sin and repent of it or turn away from it. Confession without repentance is null and void and merely serves to alleviate feelings of guilt.  However, once we repent and turn away from that sin, Jesus begins to intercede in the heavenly courts in our behalf. He represents us and pleads our case to the Father. But while Jesus is defending and arguing for us, Satan is acting as prosecutor and is accusing us and arguing against us to the Father. He is pointing out why we aren’t entitled to pardon.  At the close of all of the evidence, if we have confessed and repented, the Father denies the claims of Satan and accepts the arguments of Jesus and pardons our iniquity. Jesus then removes our filthy garments from us and places his spotless robe of righteousness upon us, covering us. It is this robe of righteousness that enables us to walk in newness of life!

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Man In The Pit

The Man In The Pit
Ezekiel 12:2, Isaiah 32:3
There was a man sitting in a pit. He wasn’t sure how he got there but he had been there a long time. He mourned and wailed day in and day out because of his isolation, loneliness and depravation. He wailed so loudly that his friends at the top of the pit heard him. They gathered round the top and yelled down to him. They wanted to help him so they told him how to get out of the pit. But the man in the pit never responded. He just continued to moan and wail day in and day out. Finally his friends climbed down into the pit with him to help him.  They took ropes and a map and a light to show their friend how to get out of the pit. But their friend continued to moan and wail day in and day out. The friends showed him their map, and assured him the rope would hold him on the journey to the top. They cast the beam of light onto the pathway to the top to show him the way of escape. But the man continued to moan and wail day in and day out. Finally, his friends in exasperation, fearing they would become accustomed to the darkness, decided they could no longer delay their return to the top so they bid their friend goodbye and began their assent back to the top. And the man continued to moan and wail over his condition day in and day out. The moral of the story is: no matter how much light is cast onto our paths, a man who has become so accustomed to the darkness that he has become blind will never comprehend the light. But even a blind man can be safely led by his friends if he allows himself to be led.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Boomerang Prayers

1 Timothy 5:17, Isaiah 59:2, Matt 6:7, 1Peter 3:7,  James 4:3, 2 Chronicles 7:14
“Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take”. That is a prayer many of us learned in childhood. We may have even taught it to our children. Prayer changes things. In fact the word tells us to pray without ceasing. But will our prayers be heard? It is terrible to think that a wise and loving God who loves us with an everlasting love, would turn His ear away from us. But the reality is, if we do not hear (and obey) God, He will not hear us. Our sins and iniquities separate us from Him. The help that we need to obtain the victory over temptation when the devil is walking about like a roaring lion is not available to us when we choose not to listen to God. Husbands, your prayers are not heard if you are not treating your wife right i.e. with love, tenderness, care and preference, loving her as Christ loved the church. Vain, repetitious prayers are not heard. Prayers that are outside of God’s express will are not heard. I once knew a woman who prayed for God to return her live in boyfriend to her that had married someone else—while he was living with her! Mercy! Such prayers go no higher than the ceiling, but return to us unmet.   If you want others to pray for you (intercessory prayer), seek counsel from the Lord as to who He will hear, because not everyone that prays, obeys. If you want to offer earnest prayer for someone else (healing, victory over sin, job, finances etc), be sure that YOU are hearing and obeying God.  It is when we humble ourselves first, then pray and seek His face (i.e. study his word), and turn from and forsake  evil ways, that He hears us, forgives us and blesses us (which includes answering our intercessory prayers for others)!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Hot Pursuit

Matt 6:33, 2 Tim 2:15, Phil 2:5, John 5:39
There are only 24 hours in a day, 6-8 hours of which we spend sleeping, 8-12 of which we spend working, 2-3 of which we spend eating and getting dressed, 1-2 of which we spend going to and from work. That leaves about 4 hours of free time each day. How do we spend that free time? Is any of it devoted to the development of the mind of Christ? Or do we spend it on things that will burn up? Like for instance…..EVERYTHING ELSE!!?? Even more telling, how do we spend our day of worship when we have 12 hours to devote to developing the mind of Christ? Do we even keep it holy or do we spend it gossiping about others, going to the movies, going to sporting events, shopping, or getting our hair done/cut, and doing our own thing?  How is it that we can still sing the songs from back in the day but we can’t recall exactly how that scripture reads or where it’s found? There is only one thing that the redeemed will take to heaven with them, that is their purified and holy minds.  Reaching this perfection of Christian character is not a haphazard occurrence.  It requires determined effort, planning, and cooperation on our part. If we spend our days in pursuit of everything else, the thing that we will need most in the end will be outside of our grasp. Rethink your agenda and schedule each day and include time with Jesus for by beholding you will become changed!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Missing The Point

Missing The Point
Acts 4:10-12, 2Tim 3:2-5
 I walked into an office and there was a sign that read "Life without Jesus is pointless". And to
drive the message home, pictured was a pencil with an eraser on both ends. Simple yet effective.
You see some of us ARE missing the point. We have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. Our religion is our culture rather than our faith. We don’t know anything else, so we do what we know. We know how to profess Christianity. We know what to do and when to do it, so that we fit into our particular religious circles quite well.  So well, in fact,  it looks to others like we are the whole meal and the desert too.  But we are missing the point because our religion is faithless. We have not recognized our need for a “Savior”.   And if we have not recognized our need for a Savior, we cannot by definition be “saved”.  No matter how “good” we think we are, we cannot be saved unless His spotless life is credited to us. But we don’t believe in His merits. We don’t receive Him as the way, the truth and the life. We believe it has to be harder than that. We don’t take Him at His word that He is ABLE to save us, if we just simply believed.  Faith requires a personal relationship with Jesus, not merely a learned response. Faith is  Finally Admitting I Trust Him.