40 Days of Prayer-Day 33
The word tells us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together (Heb 10:25) in Christian fellowship and worship. As a spirit-filled believer, the relationship between the baptism of the Holy Spirit and genuine Christian fellowship is essential. We will not grow spiritually as God intends without consistent, meaningful, dependant fellowship with other spirit filled believers. Iron sharpens iron. Prov. 27:17. So spirit filled Christians sharpen each other. To become spirit filled but remain isolated, independent, separate and apart from other spirit filled Christians is not God’s will for us. In fact it will hinder our growth and even lead to a loss of the fullness of the Spirit’s presence in our lives. After Pentecost, the believers continued steadfastly in the faith, with communion and fellowship with other believers, even to eating and praying together. Acts 2:42. It is therefore essential that we as spirit filled believers experience and engage in genuine Christian fellowship with other spirit filled believers. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit and bring truth and revival into our lives and churches. Open my understanding as to the importance of Christian fellowship in my faith walk. Don’t abandon us to our sins, have compassion on us and deliver us from our sins. Restore us to a place of spiritual oneness with you.
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