Thursday, June 16, 2011

Heavy Weight Champions

Eph 6:11-13, Rom 13:14
Are there people in your life that just continue to do you wrong, continue to hurt you, continue throw you under the bus, then kick you after  you’re down?  You can’t understand how they can be so cold, unfeeling, mean and hateful to you. It could be your child, your friend, your co-worker, and yes even your spouse.  But consider this, how they are treating you is not aimed at you. It’s aimed at God. Their rebellion, disrespect, and disregard is really their anger at God. But they can’t get to God so they lash out at the next closest thing, you. And it sure feels like their attack is against you. But we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood. We wrestle against principalities and powers, and with the rulers of darkness and  spiritual wickedness in high places. The ones who are attacking you are not equipped for the battle and are quickly defeated. Put on Christ, so you can withstand the crossfire and win the match.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Buried Treasure

Buried Treasure
Matt 13:44-46
The man often took long walks in solitude. He loved to smell the fresh air, to hear the sounds of nature, to feel the wind and sun on his face. Today  he decided to venture off the beaten path into a field he had not traversed before. As he walked, contemplating life, he stumbled over something on the ground. Looking down he saw something sticking up out of the ground, just barely visible. Intrigued, he got down on his hands and knees to investigate.  With both hands he began to brush away the dirt and debris  from  the object. The more he uncovered the more his excitement grew.  Breathlessly, he began to realize that this was no ordinary object. Looking around to see if anyone was watching him, but seeing no one, he grasped the object with both hands and tugged. The earth gave way and the object burst forth into his hands. The man was beside himself with joy as he beheld the object. With his shirt, he painstakingly cleaned, rubbed and polished the object until it shown with a radiance and beauty that was splendid to behold. It’s absolute purity and magnificence was out of this world! He loved the treasure he had found.  He decided he had to have this object, no matter what the cost. He had a special place in his home just for this treasure. So, with special care, he reburied the treasure in the earth, marking the spot. Then he hurried home. With determination and purpose he decided he would give everything he had in order to purchase the field that contained the treasure.  EVERYTHING.  And it cost him his life. The man was Jesus and the treasure is you! What will you give in return?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Rescued From Above

Rescued From Above
Matt 6:13, Zech 3:2, Acts 5:31, Matt 7:11
If you are in a burning house, would you rather be saved in the fire or saved from the fire? If the fireman merely came in and stood with you while the fire consumed you both, are you even saved? Of course not! Thank God that Christ doesn’t save us “in” our sins, but snatches us up out of the fire the moment we repent and turn from iniquity. He saves us “from” the fire. He then pardons or forgives our sins. But whom He Pardons, He first makes penitent. And repentance is a gift from God. We don’t need to struggle with sin. You know the routine, one day we’re strong and the next day we fall. All we have to do is pray for the gift of repentance and our heavenly father is more willing to give good gifts to us than our earthly fathers.