Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The End of 70 Days of Power

The End of 70 Days of Power
We have come to the end of our 70 Days of Power. The first 30 days we spent learning what love is and is not. The last 40 days we spent learning about the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives and praying for the baptism of the Spirit.  I invite you now to review  your favorite version of 1 Corinthians 13 along with each day of the 40 days of Prayer and to meditate upon those things and keep those things in your hearts. If you missed any days, you may access the entire 70 days at FaceBook Group “Experience God’s Power, Presence and Favor”. You may also access days 20-40 of the 40 days of Prayer at http://topsdachurch.blogspot.com. I invite you to write out your own understanding of 1 Corinthians 13 or share how you have been blessed by the last 70 days of Power at either the FaceBook group or the blog.  We will begin a new series in a few days. Until then, please share what you have learned or how you have been blessed.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

40 Days of Prayer-Day 40

40 Days of Prayer-Day 40  
Fellowship with other believers plays an important role in the spiritual, emotional and even physical restoration that God wants each of us to experience. Growth is the goal of small fellowship groups. Thus, every group should include non believers as well.  It is in this redemptive environment that  God's Spirit can work in a powerful way for the non believer and the non believer is encouraged to grow spiritually.  Even our own personal spiritual growth is assured when we are invloved in winning others to Christ. If we work as Christ desires and win souls for Him, we will feel the need of a deeper experience and greater knowledge of divine things. We will hunger and thirst after righteousness and we will plead with God for these things. Our faith will thereby be strengthened. We will drink of the water of life freely from the well of salvation. We will grow in grace and the knowledge of Christ and develop the rich experience with God that He desires us to have. PRAYER: Father baptize us with your Holy Spirit and bring truth and revival into our lives and churches. Help me to be used by you in bringing others to Christ. Give us an earnest desire for your Holy Spirit, both the early rain and the latter rain outpouring. Manifest the gifts of your Spirit through us and use us to glorify your name. Reveal your power in our midst that many may come to know You.